“We are, all of us, dreamed into being. For the Earth lives in a dream.” (Stephen Harrod Buhner)


Gruppenzeremonien 2025

⦿ Samstag 22. Februar 2025, 14:00 – 18:00
Dream Yoga, Restoratives & Connecting to Self-Love

In dieser Winterzeremonie schauen wir auf den Winter zurück mit all seinen Erfahrungsschätzen. Was sind die Lektionen? Was will ich als Nahrung mit aus dem Winterschlaf ins kommende Jahr nehmen? Wir öffnen unseren Geist und unser Herz mit einer langen Yin Yoga Praxis und Meditation. Nach einer Einführung in die schamanische Reise und in die Arbeit mit Träumen wirst du durch eine intuitive Klang- und Traumreise geführt, wo du Einblicke in die Grenz- und Traumwelten deiner Imagination und Unterbewusstsein erhaschen kannst.
Was dich erwartet:
° Zeremonieller Kakao aus Peru °
° Eine Reise zur Öffnung, Einheit, Liebe und Freude °
° Verbindung mit deinem inneren Selbst °
° Restoratives Yoga, Atmung, Meditation °
° Dream Yoga & Yoga Nidra °
° Medicine Songs & Klangbad °
Ich freue mich sehr auf alle Teilnehmer:innen! ❤️
Die Platzanzahl ist beschränkt auf 12 Personen
Energieausgleich: 95.- , reduziert: 80.- (Stundent:innen / Kleinverdiener:innen) 
Ort: Yoga am Fluss, Hardturmstrasse 68a, 8005 Zürich
Anmeldung per Mail an: flavia@ayniyoga.ch 


⦿ Wednesday 26. Februar 2025, 19:00 – 21:30
The Heart Bath Ceremony – A Night of Cacao, Chanting, and Gongs with Alan and Flavia (E)

We warmly invite you to join us for this special evening.
The focus will be the loving care of your heart; combining the heart-opening medicine of cacao, sound, and the blissful effortlessness of a gong bath
We start by drinking ceremonial cacao from Peru, followed by toning, chanting, and somatic exploration. These will help us tap into the depths of our heart space.  We will then be ready to lay down for a gong bath. The gong meditation will deepen our sense of the heartfelt space that has been activated by the ceremony before. 
After the gong bath, there will be 15 minutes of golden silence. 
By the end of the session, you will feel deep relaxation, an intense feeling of bliss, openness, and rejuvenation. Anybody can do this. It is easy. No skill is required. Just the desire to experience a deeply quiet mind and a powerfully loving heart.
Health Investment: 90 CHF
Booking HERE
⦿ 24th & 25th of May 2025 (E)
A Weekend of Magic: Cacao, Sound, and Yoga – with Flavia, Mindi, and Nadine

Immerse yourself in a unique experience created by three inspiring women – Flavia, Mindi, and Nadine. Their journey began in Guatemala in 2022, where they connected through their passion for cacao, yoga, and the power of song. Since then, they have created countless ceremonies, yoga sessions, and singing circles worldwide, both together and individually, always aiming to create spaces for connection, healing, and inner harmony. Flavia, Mindi and Nadine have all been working with Cacao for many years and much to share with you on this beautiful May weekend!
What Awaits You:
Ceremonial Cacao from Around the World: Experience the variety and magic of this sacred drink and learn about its cultural roots and effects. We will offer cacao from Bali, Peru and Costa Rica! During every session there will be a generous serving of 1-2 cups of ceremonial cacao. 
Yoga and Somatic Movement Practices: Flow through mindful yoga sessions designed to align body and mind.
Harmonious Singing and Sound Journeys: Open your heart through collective singing and let the sounds guide you into deep relaxation.
Flexibility and Individual Options: Enjoy the full weekend or choose to attend individual events like the Singing Circle or the Cacao workshop. 
Flavia, Mindi, and Nadine bring not only their expertise but also their authentic passion for creating deep and transformative experiences. Let their energy inspire you, and take unforgettable moments back home with you. This weekend will nourish you on all levels! 

Receive 4 different yoga sessions (Gentle Flow, Somatic 5 Elements Yoga, Yin & Yoga Nidra, Soothing Yin Yoga)
Try 3 different types of ceremonial cacao (Bali, Peru and Costa Rica) – 2-4 cups of ceremonial cacao / day
Mantra & Medicine songs
Communal Bhakti Singing Circle on Saturday evening 
Beautifully crafted ceremonies for the earth, self-love and gratitude
Learn how to make your own ceremonial cacao & use tinctures and flower essences to deepen the experience
History and effects of cacao 
Creative expression through journaling and art
Learning how to work with Plant Spirits
A weekend of deep connection with your community

Session breakdown (more detailed info HERE):
Saturday 09:30 – 13:00: Space Opening, Gentle Yoga Flow, Creative Expression and Voice Expression – Cacao from Bali 
Saturday 14:00 – 17:30: How to Make Ceremonial Cacao, Benefits & History of Cacao, Nourishing Yin & Yoga Nidra Session – Cacao from Peru
Saturday 19:00 – 22:00: Bhakti Singing Circle with Cacao – with special guest Zoe Rüegg
Sunday 09:30 – 12:00: Five Elements Somatic Flow, Ceremony for the Earth, Journaling and Dance – Cacao from Costa Rica 
Sunday 13:30 – 17:00: Practising Gratitude and Love for the Earth, Ceremony for Pachamama, Cacao Mandala, Yin Yoga
Registration and More Information:
Spots are limited – secure your place early!
Different options to join: 
Full weekend: 450.- (recommended!) 
Saturday: Workshop 250.-
Saturday: Bhakti Singing Circle 50.- 
Saturday: Workshop & Bhakti Singing Circle 280.- 
Sunday: Workshop – 200.- 
Suitable for all levels – no prior experience required.
For details about individual events and booking options, visit: www.be.life – BOOKING LINK COMING SOON!
Embark on a journey that touches your body, mind, and soul.
⦿ Samstag 28. Juni 2025
Kakao Vibes – zusammen mit Beatrice
Mehr Infos folgen bald
Ort: Die Yoga-Scheune in Meilen 
Die Platzanzahl ist beschränkt auf 12 Personen
Anmeldung per Mail an: flavia@ayniyoga.ch


1:1 und private Zeremonien

Ich biete auch private Kakaozeremonien zu verschiedensten Themen an. Diese werden individuell je nach Bedürfnis und Wunsch der Veranstalter:in gestaltet. Die Zeremonie beinhaltet immer zeremonieller Kakao und eine Einführung zu Kakao. Bei Bedarf können Elemente von Yoga, Gesang, Schamanismus und Reiki einfliessen. Diese Zeremonien sind geeignet für: 
° Retreats °
° Geburtstage °
° Prozessbegleitungen °
° Mutterschaft, Kinderwunsch °
° Verlobungen und Feiern der Liebe °
Preise: 150.-/Stunde, Kakao (15.-/Person) und Anfahrt (bis 1H Anfahrt in Zürich 100 CHF, danach 200 CHF)
Dauer: min. 2-3 Stunden, empfohlen: 3 Stunden 
Anfrage per Mail