Sacred relationship and reciprocity – Ayni – this is the principle that motivates me in my work for my community. To me, this knowledge that everything is connected to each other highlights the fact that true healing and peace can only be achieved when we carry this principle into all aspects of our lives – with our fullest attention, care and heart energy.
My work is as multilayered as each individual is unique. I work in smaller groups and offer a comprehensive Yoga and healing practice, which includes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspect of each individual. The personal connection between me, you and the group is an essential part of my work in bridging and unifying the many aspects of the Self. Thanks to my varied education in both Yoga, holistic practices and literature&culture, my focus lies on enabling YOU to realize your own potential and bring about the necessary changes into your life. Through purposeful and intentional movement of the energies in the physical, emotional, mental and energetic body, I guide and accompany YOU onto your unique journey of self-healing and self-realization.
In my regular classes, workshops, training, ceremonies, as well as through the healing energy of Reiki and crystals therapy that is deeply rooted in shamanic practices, I accompany you back into your power!
«He who binds to himself a joy / Does the winged life destroy / He who kisses the joy as it flies / Lives in eternity’s sunrise»
(Eternity, William Blake)
Vinyasa, Yin, Nidra and Meditation
Workshops and Retreats
200H Yoga Teacher Trainings
Reiki Healing
Shamanic Healing
Crystal Therapy